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About Foggy Ridge Farm

Foggy Ridge is a small Family Operated Farm located on 26 acres overlooking the Snoqualmie Valley



Our mission is to grow the best tasting healthy food for ourselves, our friends, and our neighbors.  "Locally grown, locally loved" is our motto. Aronia berries is our largest single crop.  We also direct sell vegetables & farm produced items to neighboring CSA members and restaurants.



 The garden grows a variety of heirloom items. We focus on taste and try new varieties every year.  At the beginning of the season our basket customers fill out a 'preference sheet' which allows the choice of what types of produce they get in their produce baskets.  They are also able to pick when and how often within the season July - October.



 We have beehives that help us pollenate our Aronia Orchard.   We have amazing honey but limited quantities.     



The farm has a small flock of hens for eggs and a few ducks to help with controlling slugs near the garden.  They are free-range and fed vegetables from the garden.  We only have 17 hens and will include a half-dozen if you have them on your preference list along with the Produce baskets. 



Our Mission to help the environment and provide healthy food locally...

"Locally Grown, Locally Loved" is our motto.  We want to reduce the farm-to-table delivery distance to only 3 miles and deliver the baskets by electric car.  


Our garden grows with the season, we do not use heated greenhouses to push the season limits.  We have one 'hoop-house' that helps Heirloom tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant ripen in our cool climite, other than that everything is outside.       


We reuse all baskets and strive to pack items you will use and not throw away.   Vegetables from our garden to our table never go into plastic bags.  We offer customers the the same option if so desired.  Wrapping plastic around vegetables is convient and keeps them separate from each other and we are happy to do so. but if you don't want them wrapped we are happy to leave them loose.  Many of our customers want that option and we are happy to provide. 


How do we strive to help the environment while providing healthy food to our neighbors?


  • No Waste - We pack according to customers preferences and offer flexible delivery.  Vegetable trimmings are fed to our cattle, horses  or chickens.

  • Compost - we make our own Organic compost from food scraps, manure, weeds.  Feeds our soil so we need little outside fertilizers and amendments  - closed loop system

  • Electric Delivery - our little Leaf Car runs the baskets between the farm and customers homes and our farm pays for "green electric" to charge it.  Slightly more expensive but supports the carbon-free power system in Washington State  - clean power

  • Local Delivery -  We only deliver within 3 miles of our farm, produce is picked ripe just before delivery not needing refrigeration.   According to the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, in a study of 16 common fruits and vegetables, the average one traveled just under 1,500 miles before it was sold to a consumer. Additionally 39% of fruits and 12% of vegetables were imported from other countries.  To keep food from spoiling during these long trips, some produce is picked before it has had a chance to fully ripen – and absorb nutrients from its surroundings. This practice allows the fruits and vegetables to ripen in transit and ensures that consumers get fresh, ripe produce year round, but according to the United States Department of Agriculture, it causes the produce to lack in the nutrients that would be present if it was allowed to ripen on the vine.

  • Drip Irrigation - half of our gardens have drip irrigation which reduces the amount of water needed to raise crops.


13324 242nd Ave NE

Woodinville, WA 98077

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